Be reliable. This is one of the most important competitive advantages you can have.
Say "thank you" three times : once over the phone, once written, and once face-to-face. I learned this phrase from my mentor who wrote over 89 Million in annuities, "Would it be a bother" if i mailed that you a free report. Another way of saying thanks is to drop off one of our client newsletters to some of your past clients who have referred other client to you.
Maintain high standards of integrity and excellence. Even people who don't buy your services will refer you if you follow my suggestion system.
Be a problem solver. This is more important than having a good products or services. Every month you should be sending out a client newsletter or become a member of an article clipping service and send out articles on retirement planning with a little note saying, "thinking of you and just wanted to send this article for your review, please call me with any questions you might have. inches
Stop trying to make hard sells. Do soft sales and you will win over more clients during your career. Why by soft sales is build relationships. Stop the one call close concept. This is 2007 and we have new rules we must play by. lead marketing strategies Start building the "trusted Advisor" strategy by providing educational material to your prospective clients and they're going to not only refer friends to you, they'll become life time clients and you will receive multiple pay checks.
Start sending out client newsletters and refer them to your website where you offer valuable free reports. Over 70% of all seniors are on the internet making travel plans and looking at financial information. If you don't have website you're really missing out on an additional marketing tool.
Don't be cheap. Prospects will respond more readily if you present a rubbed image. Take a look at your sales card. Is it four color and do you have a powerful positioning statement on the backside. Do you have your lead generating website address on it.
Take a long-term view of your promotional activities. Patience will produce consistent results and steady growth. We have had great success with sending out grabber letters with a $1 attached and follow up with a will scripted phone approach. Try 25 letters a week and you will add income to your bottom line.